In Box Summer Sci-fi SHORT Film Festival Kicks off!

It’s summer and that means big sci-fi blockbusters, right?

Science fiction happens to be one of my weaknesses — I’m a sucker for a starship and a  mysterious horizon.

So over the next week, I’ll be unveiling a small — teeny, in some cases — sci-fi blockbuster every day.

These are brilliant, provocative works of speculative fiction (that’s the new, high-brow term for sci-fi) that are all roughly 10 minutes long or less.

We kick off with the original version of the film “9” by Shane Acker.  This was later expanded into a full-length animated feature, in collaboration with Tim Burton.

But this take, with its lack of voices, its spare industrial soundtrack, and its more elegiac ending, is one of my favorites.

This is your chance to be a film critics for a day! Comments welcome below.

The second short sci-fi film lands on the In-Box tomorrow: Up next, what if you could have a Star Wars robot for a pet?

4 Comments on “In Box Summer Sci-fi SHORT Film Festival Kicks off!”

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  1. summer school drop-out says:

    elegiac? i admitt i had to look it up, but is this what you meant? –
    “Elegiac refers either to those compositions that are like elegies or to a specific poetic meter used in Classical elegies. The Classical elegiac meter has two lines, making it a couplet: a line of dactylic hexameter, followed by a line of dactylic pentameter. Because the hexameter line is in the same meter as epic poetry, and because the elegiac form was always considered lower style than epic, elegists frequently wrote with epic in mind and positioned themselves in relation to epic.”

    brian, i think you’re just trying to show off now.

  2. Brian Mann says:

    SSD-O —

    no, that’s just how my brain works.

    for the record, the OTHER definition of “elegiac” (i’m going to the Merriam Webster dictionary) is:

    “relating to, or comprising elegy or an elegy; especially : expressing sorrow often for something now past.”

    according to wikipepedia, an elegy is

    “a mournful, melancholic or plaintive poem, especially a funeral song or a lament for the dead”

    –brian, ncpr

  3. Kathy says:

    After attending the Manhattan Short Film Festival viewings in Lake Placid the last few years, I’ve developed a growing fascination with short films so I’m looking forward to your week of Sci-Fi shorts. (And I didn’t know what elegiac meant either).

  4. knuckleheadedliberal says:

    For those of you interested in video shorts (making or watching) check out the Lake George Arts Project’s PPP (People’s Pixel Project) preparing now for the 2nd year.

    This is for locals artists 75 mile (?) radius of Lake George. It was great fun last year. Tremendous submissions!

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