Former Saranac Laker Gary Trudeau takes on Obama’s faith

Cartoonist and pundit Gary Trudeau boils down the “debate” over President Barack Obama’s faith this way:

“He personally told Muslims he is a Muslim. Read his lips.”
RNC committeewoman Kim Lehman tweeting about Obama

“[In his Cairo speech] it didn’t appear to me he said Christianity was part of his religion.”
Lehman, explaining her tweet

“I’m a Christian.”
Obama, in the speech she refers to

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13 Comments on “Former Saranac Laker Gary Trudeau takes on Obama’s faith”

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  1. TurdSandwich says:

    Classic political playbook. Tell a lie enough times and people start to believe it. Unfortunately, this one is working pretty well.

  2. betty says:

    Not sure why Gary weighed in. It is a fact that Mr.Obama was married in allowed his children baptized in and worshiped at the christian church pastored, for 20 years, by Jeramiah Wright. He(Obama) is clearly not a muslim.

  3. TurdSandwich says:

    There are a lot of idiots out there Betty.
    A new poll showed that nearly one in five people, or 18 percent, believe Obama is Muslim. That was up from 11 percent who said so in March 2009. The survey also showed that just 34 percent said Obama is Christian, down from 48 percent who said so last year. The largest share of people, 43 percent, said they don’t know his religion.

  4. PNElba says:

    What’s it called when you ‘see’ things that aren’t there? Obama is a muslim, he’s not a citizen, he hates the USA. You can’t fight crazy these days, especially with the current media in the USA. A crazy viewpoint today is as valid as a, well, a valid viewpoint. The real objection these types of people have to President Obama cannot be verbilized.

  5. JDM says:

    What’s wrong with being a muslim?

  6. JDM says:

    Ok. That wasn’t supposed to be rhetorical.

    Obama knows that it is not politically expedient to be a muslim.

    The problem that Obama has with admitting he ever was a muslim, and now is a Christian is that the fun-loving peaceful Islamic religion has a rule about that.

    [from wikipedia]
    The traditional schools of Islamic jurisprudence are unanimous in holding that apostasy by a male Muslim is punishable by death.

  7. knuckleheadedliberal says:

    The problem is that we are living in backwards world, half of us know it but don’t understand the rules, half of us don’t know it but are making up the rules.

  8. BRFvolpe says:

    KHL: Where does that put the 20% who think Obama is a Muslim? Thank goodness that 20% are so uninformed and ignorant, they don’t care enough to register and vote. (Hope, hope).

  9. knuckleheadedliberal says:

    BRF, that is where backwards world comes in; the 20% who are absolutely wrong are the 20% who will most likely vote and are certainly the most vocal.
    If George Orwell didn’t say “Truth is Boring” he should have.

  10. mervel says:

    Knucklehead why do you think this 20% have a higher probability of voting than the 20% who feel very strongly the other way? It relates to Brain’s other thread. I mean one could take that to mean that voting itself is something that only kind of crazy people do?

  11. mervel says:

    I have been reticent to buy into the idea that those who don’t like the President and his policies are racist. Largely because I don’t like many of his policies myself largely because I don’t think they work.

    However in this case, saying he is a Muslim against all of the evidence; I think this whole idea is based on race, it is racist. If he were a white man who had gone to Church and had said he was a Christian, everyone would simply accept it. But because we have some Muslims in this country who are of African descent we are a little concerned.

    If he were Ronald Reagan a divorced man from Hollywood who had never really gone to Church who married a women who was into astrology and had astrologers in the White House, he would be in even bigger trouble, but no one said anything about Reagan being some sort of New Age Pagan.

  12. Pete Klein says:

    Who cares? I really couldn’t care less about what religion one belongs to or doesn’t belong to.
    Religion or the lack of having any religion is not a guide to how anyone behaves anywhere.

  13. Bret4207 says:

    I don’t believe he’s Muslim. I don’t believe he’s a practicing Christian either. Does it matter when there’s so much else wrong with the guy? And if he is a Christian, then I do have a bit of an issue with the church he attended. Have we all forgotten the hate filled preaching of Rev Wright? Maybe it would be better if he was a Muslim!

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