Paladino: Use big government power to stop construction of a religious center

Here’s what Paladino says:

“As governor of the state of New York, I’ll have the legal power to use the state’s right of eminent domain to seize this site to make it a memorial of which we can all be proud. That is exactly what I will do if I am elected governor.”

In the interview below, CNN points out that the next controversy “might involve Jews, Catholics or whatever the controversy of the day might be.”

Here’s how Palladino responds:


34 Comments on “Paladino: Use big government power to stop construction of a religious center”

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  1. Bret4207 says:

    While I certainly don;t agree with everything he said, we’ll never get a candidate who we agree with on every issue. I agree with far more of his current platform that I have seen than Cuomos status quo tax/borrow/rape/rob and pillage plans.

  2. If Clapton is God, Warren Haynes is Jesus says:

    But isn’t this an example of the very concept of “Big Government” he supposedly is so against? What a hypocrite….

  3. oa says:

    Just asking: Do you think anyone would want to adopt a rape baby?

  4. oa says:

    And to be clear, the rape reference is at about 5:30 on the Paladino interview embedded here.

  5. oa says:

    One last thing: Wonder if he’d use an equivalent of “eminent domain” to take over a goodly portion of state workers’ pension money to balance the budget, since I’m sure if you polled it, a majority of people would be in favor of that. After all, they don’t get state pensions. Why should government workers, since we know they’re the problem, and not the solution?

  6. maurice says:

    That is frightening! Under a Gov Paladino, any legal project in the state that he doesn’t agree with could be taken by eminent domain! We should all be nervous. I thought he might have a chance, but I think the stance he took in this interview may be his biggest mistake. I could not support any politician with this mindset. This is the USA not Venezuela

  7. Anita says:

    Isn’t eminent domain the very type of government power that is anathema to a free market, limited-and-small government philosophy? Beware, my conservative friends: the Republican primary nominated a candidate who fundamentally does not understand how government works, and who would try to turn the governorship into a fiefdom. No, the governor does not get to do whatever he or she wants.

  8. TurdSandwich says:

    Rick Sanchez is probably the worst interviewer ever.

  9. I’m continually amazed by those who would use government power to restrict the freedom of those they disagree with under the banner of returning to constitutional principles.

  10. Pete Klein says:

    It’s fun watching someone dig a hole they can’t get out of. I don’t see any chance of him being elected.

  11. oa says:

    “This is the USA not Venezuela”
    Viva Hugo Paladino!

  12. Brian says:

    That self-proclaimed small government advocates are all too often raging hypocrites is not at all breaking news… but it still needs to be pointed out when seen.

  13. mary says:

    Andrew Cuomo has to say nothing to get elected now. Paladino is just going to stick his foot in his mouth from now to election day.

  14. Mark, Saranac Lake says:

    I had heard of Palidino but knew nothing about him except that he was a rich real estate developer, lawyer and he’d “take a baseball bat to Albany” which just sounded like typical Tea Part rhetoric. I wasn’t very excited about the Governor’s race to begin with (wasn’t particularly thrilled with the two “frontrunners” Cuomo and Lazio) but after listening to this interview I’ll now go out and campaign for Andrew Cuomo.

  15. Bret4207 says:

    OA, as an adoptive parent I find your post regarding “rape babies” disgusting and very disappointing. I thought you were a better person than that.

  16. Mervel says:

    I love that guy! This election is going to be far better than watching Lazio lose for the umpteenth time playing his appointed role of the dutiful NY Republican loser to the Democratic star of the day be it Hillary or Andrew.

    As far as abortion goes anyone who is pro life believes that a human live begins at conception at that point it is a human life, you would not kill that life based on if it was conceived through a horrible act such as rape or not that was his point. There are thousands and thousands of adoptive parents who would indeed line up to adopt an infant in the US today that happened to be conceived by rape or incest; there are huge waiting lists of adoptive parents waiting for infants born in the US, that would not be an issue at all.

    Anyway this guy is going to be good. He will lose of course but it will at least bring out some decent debate and discussion in this moldy state maybe he will make Cuomo dance a little.

  17. knuckleheadedliberal says:

    Why doesn’t anyone have sympathy for the feelings of the families of Muslims who were killed in the Trade Center attack?

  18. Solidago says:

    Paladino is certainly going to spice up this campaign. Let’s just make sure all of us saying to ourselves “who voted for this nut!?” vote in November! Having been in Minnesota and listened in disbelief to the returns of the 1998 governor’s race I know that the impossible is possible.

    I’m disappointed that there wasn’t a decent Republican to vote for on Tuesday… I ended up staying home.

  19. Mervel says:

    His stance about the dust cloud is insane of course.

    Under that guise all of Baghdad or much of Vietnam for that matter would be a “sacred” site. How about Nagasaki, how do they decide where all of the tiny body parts are and then make zoning decisions based on that?

    Its almost a weird fetishness about the destruction worrying about the microscopic cells of humans being carried around in the dust.

    Anyway I still think he will make this election more enjoyable.

  20. Mervel says:

    But then again what is a Republican supposed to believe? The WTC stuff is a little nutty. But if we are going to have a choice lets have a choice, does anyone really believe Lazio would be any different in the end than Prince Andrew? Come on its all the same club with the same corrupt connections, the same interest groups and on and on. This guy would really shake things up in Albany or at least go down in flames trying.

    Outside of the WTC stuff the beliefs he listed are mainstream conservative beliefs. In many other parts of the country he would be seen as a normal Republican.

  21. oa says:

    Forcing rape victims to have babies is mainstream? There’s lots of debate about that, even among pro lifers. He showed a lot of compassion for the crime victims in that clip.
    And I’m sorry to disappoint you, Bret, and applaud the fact you’re an adoptive parent, but I’m making a point about a cold, hard, truth: these children will have a tough time being adopted. And it brings up a question: Should it be disclosed to adoptive parents that these babies are the result of a horrible crime? Again, it’s harsh language, but it’s true.
    But I’ll grant you, Mervel, that Paladino does make the discussion more, uh, interesting. You should google the “funny” emails Paladino sends around, too. His views are not mainstream America.

  22. oa says:

    To complete my hijacking of this thread, Paladino says another weird thing in that clip: That if a similar case came up for Jews or Catholics, it would be done “case-by-case” and go before a local zoning board to decide.
    But Park 51 did go before a local zoning board, and was even praised by Laura Ingraham. Nobody cared for six months.
    So to review, zoning board decisions count–except when they don’t.
    That’s just good, principled government.

  23. Mervel says:

    Hi, Oa,

    It is mainstream among anyone who is pro-life which would be 30-40% of the population so I do agree it is not the majority for sure. But just logically if you honestly believe that a human is created at conception then to kill that human because of how it was conceived would make no logical sense. A life is a life. It would be very easy to adopt any healthy infant in the US, very easy regarldess of how that infant was concieved. There are huge waiting lists of parents who want to adopt infants in the US, it is the reason that so many people end up spending tens of thousands of dollars to adopt an infant overseas.

    Now if you don’t believe that a human is created at conception yes I can see your point. But anyway I don’t want to sidetrack this into an abortion debate.

    But yeah this guy is something. I looked at some of his clips on youtube they are great. He has this kind of crazy way of looking at the camera and talking in this kind of way that is frankly a little scary but at the same time compelling.

  24. Mervel says:

    But lets face it does anyone honestly think Lazio could win??? At least this will be interesting.

  25. knuckleheadedliberal says:

    I really hate to bring up the Nazis because any comparison of anything to the Nazis is difficult for most people to deal with objectively, but here goes…

    In Weimar Germany the population was extremely disaffected due to a bad economy and harsh war reparations. The Nazis came along and promised a return to high moral values and a return of the greatness they felt Germany had lost. Of course they were nuts. The elites believed they were nuts, but they had a constituency who believed in their propaganda. Eventually the political elites put the Nazis in power believing that it would quickly become obvious how crazy they were, and that the people would reject them. “At least this will be interesting” they may have said.

    It didn’t turn out that way.

  26. Mervel says:

    So because Palidino is running as a true conservative in fact in Oklahoma he would be on the left of the Party, he is Hitler?

    As he said in the video, no.

    I think this is a real choice I didn’t mean to make light of the argument, I don’t think he is crazy he just has a different point of view than many people in the New York. For that reason he will probably lose, but if he wins I would be fine with it.

  27. oa says:

    With all due respect, 40% of the population does NOT believe in the government forcing rape victims to carry their babies to term”
    From a CBS News poll in 2007:
    “According to the CBS News poll, 47 percent of Americans want to prohibit all or most abortions and 16 percent want them to be greatly restricted.
    About 30 percent of those polled want to limit abortions to the very rare cases of rape, incest or life of the mother and another 12 percent want abortions allowed only in when the pregnancy threatens the mother’s life. Another 5 percent said abortions should always be illegal.”
    About 5% are where you and Paladino are on this. I agree that it should be “either you are or you aren’t,” but the American public sees more shades of gray in the issue.

  28. Mervel says:

    Hi OA

    “47% want to prohibit all or most abortions.”

    I think you are reading that stats wrong. I don’t want all abortions made always illegal. There are many cases in which a hard decision must be made.

    I think that you are looking at the 30% who want to allow abortion in the limited cases of rape and incest leaving 70% of the pro-life crowd who would not believe that is okay. It is not the far far fringe, it is well within the pro-life community to hold this belief, it is not “nutty” or extreme, unless of course we are in New York the abortion capital of the US.

    But anyway this dam abortion stuff gets us off track. I mean what is the point of Lazio? That was kind of my point lets at least have a true choice between a conservative and a liberal. I think Andrew Coumo will certainly win, but maybe not, maybe there is a ground swell of resentment toward Albany? There should be, look at this crap, look at this sort of small minded authoritarianism right here in the North County. The DOH from Albany worried about a tiny civic group helping their community! This is the sort of thing that makes people vote for people like Palidino, not abortion.

  29. knuckleheadedliberal says:

    See, that is why it is dangerous to bring up the Nazi’s, because people will misrepresent the point you are trying to make.

    The point is that the population in Weimar Germany was manipulated into accepting a very dangerous leader through fear.

    It is a very important point for everyone to remember. And when people tell you to remember the Holocaust you should remember that it wasn’t just about Jews being killed, it was about being manipulated into accepting horrific acts without protest.

    Mervel, there are people who will try to manipulate your anti-abortion stance in order to use you. Remember that the people who wish to keep abortion legal are not pro-abortion, they are upholding the woman’s choice to make her own medical decision; a decision that affects her own life and health.

  30. oa says:

    Looks like Carl is pretty familiar with the Albany trough. He loves him some subsidies.
    “From 2001 through 2007, Paladino’s company received $1.47 million in tax breaks, but invested only $1.1 million in payroll and capital improvements. The end result was a net loss of $300,000, defeating the purpose of the program.
    Also, when the tax break began, J-P Group had one full-time employee. By 2008, that number had grown to two.”

    Read more:

  31. Bret4207 says:

    I have yet to see any logical reason to vote FOR Andy Cuomo and not AGAINST him. I have seen some things in Palidinos platform I can vote FOR. That’s the difference for me- elect another lying scum bag NYC Cuomo or some unknown, in it for 1 term and gonna fix stuff guy from Buffalo. The choice is easy at this point. Chances are Paladino will come out with some things to give me cause to vote against him too, but so far I can live with him. Can’t live with another Cuomo in office, or rather, I can’t afford to live with another Cuomo in office..

  32. oa says:

    Andy’s definitely a lucky sperm club member.
    So Carl’s your kind of welfare recipient, Bret? :)

  33. Mervel says:


    I shouldn’t have brought up abortion sorry about that. I vowed I would not do it in on line discussions, it is such a rabbit hole and just is a dead end as far as debate goes and really I hold no malice toward people who disagree with me on the issue and often don’t vote the issue when considering candidates. I do have strong personal feelings about it though and for that reason should be quite about it.

    Now do you think Palidino is truly dangerous or do you think all conservatives who hold his views are dangerous? For me I just think he is a more honest choice than Lazio.

  34. Mervel says:

    The most concerning thing about him as far as I can see is his views on the Mosque and how he would handle that which are not conservative views. The idea of using eminent domain is exactly what a bully big government would do, not a conservative government rooted in individual liberty.

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