Friday, to Monday

It’s late Friday afternoon. We’re saying goodbye today to our friend and colleague Jonathan Brown, who’s right now prepping his final All Before Five. He’s  moving on the Colorado Public Radio, to be one of their Morning edition hosts and reporters.  I know he’s pushing to get the show done after our farewell party,  because he’s shouting at his computer, just through the glass from my studio. He’s given us four good years, and we’ll miss him mightily. But wish him well, of course.

We’ll begin a national search for his successor ASAP.

In the meantime, news goes on. Monday’s 8  O’clock Hour includes a story about a development plan involving the village of Saranac Lake and the Trudeau Institute that would have brought an outside bioscience company to the village. It’s been put on hold as the institute takes a broader look at its future options for growth.

Also Monday, Karen DeWitt reports on a statewide race that was overshadowed by everything else going on on Election Day.  New York has a new attorney general, Democrat Eric Schneiderman has big shoes to fill. But he says he’s no Cuomo clone.

We’ll reconsider the role of nature writing in shaping public opinion and spurring civic action. Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring is generally credited with being the genesis of the modern environmental movement. Do contemporary books and magazines have as much influence?

And I talk with Amy Ivy about our common connection to the world outdoors…in the yard and garden.

Speaking of late Friday afternoon… did I mention that the Mambo Legends are in the studio down the hall?…Live on David Sommerstein’s Beat Authority!

2 Comments on “Friday, to Monday”

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  1. verplanck says:

    Wow, Jonathan is leaving? Bummer. I have to say his style took a bit of time for me to get used to, but by now I look forward to his time on-air. Cutaway is a great mix of music, I hope you folks will keep something similar in that timeslot.

    Give him a ‘good luck’ for me.

  2. Bret4207 says:

    Best of luck Jonathan.

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