Indian Lake man convicted of killing Brit summer camp workers

The Associated Press is reporting that a Warren County jury on Monday convicted 39-year-old Peter Goldblatt of Indian Lake of drunk driving and aggravated vehicular homicide.

Goldblatt ran down and killed two British employees of an Adirondack summer camp last June.

21-year-old Dominic Hartley, from England, and 21-year-old Emily Lewis from Scotland were standing by the side of a rural road in the southeastern Adirondacks when Goldblatt swerved and struck them.

Another counselor was treated for minor injuries. The victims worked at Camp Echo Lake in Warrensburg.

According to the AP, Goldblatt faces between 8 and 25 years in state prison.

The Glens Falls Post Star reported Monday afternoon that a state police officer testified that “Goldblatt told him he drank two 40-ounce beers after the crash to calm his nerves before police arrived.”

Testimony showed he had been drinking for hours at the Cedar River Golf Course, which his family owns and where he works, the night of the crash. He then bought a 24-ounce beer at a convenience store in Indian Lake before he drove south.

2 Comments on “Indian Lake man convicted of killing Brit summer camp workers”

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  1. Pete Klein says:

    The Post Star also reported Goldblatt’s lawyers plan to appeal. I guess we’ll find out if the Goldblatt family has any money or a golf course left after the lawyers do their thing.

  2. A friend of Dominic's family says:

    TO APPEAL IS AN INSULT! Taking responsibility and at very least to show a little bit of remorse for the unbearable pain and heartache caused to Dominic and Emily’s families wouldn’t go amiss!

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