Morning Read: Canada to close small North Country border crossings

How’s this for a case of brilliant planning.  The US is building a brand new $6.8 million dollar border facility at Churubusco in northern Clinton County.

But the Plattsburgh Press Republican is reporting that Canadian officials plan to close the border crossing on their side of the line, citing low traffic and high costs.

Canadians also plan to mothball a crossing just north of Franklin County, according to the P-R.

Dominique McNeely, a spokesman with the Communications Division of the Canada Border Services Agency, said the plan to close its side of the Churubusco/Franklin Center and North Burke/Jamieson’s Line crossings remains set for April 1.

According to the newspaper, the border crossings are important because communities on both sides of the line are closely intertwined, with family and business connections.   Read the full article here.

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8 Comments on “Morning Read: Canada to close small North Country border crossings”

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  1. Pete Klein says:

    I don’t blame Canada for wanting to keep the Americans out.

  2. Paul says:

    “brilliant planning” is an understatement. Did you see how few vehicles go thorough these crossings, what a joke. Who is the genius that wanted to spend 7 million dollars?

  3. Mervel says:

    The same people who want to decide what energy we should be using.

  4. Bret4207 says:

    Pete, why do you write things like that? What kind of hate do you harbor for yourself and your neighbors that makes you feel that way? Is life really that much of a downer?

  5. Pete Klein says:

    Actually, I love being alive. I just hate what the border has become. I liked it when going to Canada was about the same as going from one state to another.
    Everyone is afraid of everyone since Sept. 11, 2001. If we don’t get over it, we are doomed as a society.

  6. tootightmike says:

    Every time we escalate the tension and fear on the border we make it worse. A few years ago the Canadian border guys got guns…now they act like guys with guns. I’ve enjoyed crossing this peaceful border for a long time, but it’s not hard to imagine (when you look at the new facility in Massena), that this is becoming a militarised border, and that soon it’ll be like Palestine. Will we let a tiny group of disgruntled terrorists, and a huge group of pentagonists to lead us to the holy land?

  7. Pete Klein says:

    I hope no one takes this the wrong way.
    Like members of the Tea Party, I want my country back. But the country I want back is the country I knew – the one that looks forward and only looks back to not make the same mistakes again.
    We were a frontier people who pushed forward into the unknown and had no interest in digging moats and constructing fortresses. We resent being hemmed in.

  8. Mervel says:

    The terror industrial complex wants more business and that is what this is really about.

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