Relieved–and impressed.

Here’s why I’m relieved: As of early this morning, the U.S. Coast Guard was searching for two people who were in a Cessna that might have crashed last night in Lake Huron. The pilot–who has now been revealed to be Michael W. Trapp, 42, of Gouverneur–had radioed in saying he was having engine troubles.

As it turns out, Mr. Trapp was the only person on the 2-seater plane–and we know this because he’s alive and in good condition, and was able to confirm no one else was with  him.

A crew member on the fishing vessel Eagle’s Nest spotted him in the water about a half mile off Forestville, Mich., at about 10:30 this morning, and brought him aboard. He was transported to a hospital in Harbor Beach, Mich., and he’s doing fine.

Now, why am I impressed? Because to reach the Eagle’s Nest, Mr. Trapp SWAM 15 MILES toward lights he spotted on the horizon.

His plane crashed about 17 miles east of Harbor Beach, and he swam towards land. For fifteen miles. After a plane crash. Maybe the repetition seems excessive, but I for one am having a little trouble getting my mind around how brave, focused and all-around, well, impressive this act was. Good for you Michael W. Trapp.

1 Comment on “Relieved–and impressed.”

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  1. Ben Hamelin says:

    unbelievable – Ironman was this past weekend in Lake Placid. They start the race with a 2.4 mile swim, which takes the pros arond 50-60 minutes to do. My colleague finished it in 94 minutes – how long was he in the water??? Had to be at least 7-8 hours!

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