Neighbor to neighbor

Curt Stager posted another great account of Irene’s aftermath at his Save the Carbon website.

This time, he takes us to the shattered section of the Ausable Valley between Ausable Forks and Keene Valley, ending up with a post centered in Upper Jay.

He has lots of striking photos of damaged and re-located buildings, and of people helping people. The Brookside Motor Inn wasn’t flooded, and has opened an impromptu food pantry and way sattion.

Curt found owner Marlene Prescott near a sign that said “take what you need.”
“Just stop on by if you need a meal, or if you’d like to contribute food or money or labor,” she said.
“We’re a close community, and we help each other out.”

2 Comments on “Neighbor to neighbor”

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  1. Sandy Smith says:

    I would like to help with clean up. I went to Prattsville on Sunday with a Labor for your Neighbor group, and saw the extreme need there. Should I just show up? Should I bring any tools or supplies?

  2. Martha Foley says:

    Hi Sandy –

    Here’s the link to NCPR’s Irene page, which lists lots of ways to help:

    And here’s the Governor’s “Labor for Your Neighbor” site:

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