Morning Read: Dogs not welcome in Watertown?

The Watertown Daily Times is reporting that city officials are preparing to debate proposed legislation that would ban dogs from public events in the city.

The move follows the mauling of a two year old child in August at the Watertown farmers market.

After reviewing the legislation, [Councilwoman Roxanne M.] Burns said Sunday night that it includes everything she had requested.

“It’s not too restrictive,” she said. “It’s a common-sense approach.”

It would prohibit dogs from public events such as the farmers market, the July 4 celebration at Thompson Park,the Jefferson County Fair and sporting events at the Alex T. Duffy Fairgrounds.

Dogs also would be prohibited within 20 feet of city pools and playgrounds. They would be allowed at the events if they are kept in motor vehicles.

What do you think?  Is this a good, firm response or an over-reaction?  According to the newspaper, the injured child received more than 100 stitches and has undergone reconstructive surgery.

4 Comments on “Morning Read: Dogs not welcome in Watertown?”

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  1. Pete Klein says:

    They might also consider banning human beings since humans cause more injuries than dogs.

  2. laurie says:

    Don’t ban dogs, ban idiot dog owners who don’t know how to control or train their dogs and lack the common sense to know whether their dog is suited for public events.

  3. stillin says:

    I actually think MOST dogs like being home, at least mine do. Yea, they love going with me to the river, to the woods, do I bring them to “events”? No, because I think they like it better at home. I walk my dogs downtown sometimes, just because I know there are no loose dogs that direction, we walk by the farmers market if it’s up, but a lot of stuff is fireworks, kids, loud vehicles and that kind of stuff.

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