Morning Read: Glennon to “re-enter the Adirondack wars”

Bob Glennon is one of the most influential and controversial figures in Adirondack Park history.  He joined the APA in 1974 as associate counsel and rose to serve as executive director before his departure in 1995.

Those were big, turbulent years for the Agency.  After a lengthy stint in the NY Attorney General’s office in Plattsburgh, Glennon is retiring at age 66 but says he plans to re-engage Park policy issues.

This from the Adirondack Daily Enterprise.

While he’s retired from state service, Glennon said he plans to get involved again in Adirondack Park-related issues. He’s currently doing some volunteer legal work for the environmental group Protect the Adirondacks and said he has also met recently with Dan Plumley of Adirondack Wild: Friends of the Forest Preserve.

“I hope to re-enter the Adirondack wars,” Glennon told the Enterprise. “I’ve spent the entire day on Adirondack Forest Preserve issues.”

Read the full article here.

4 Comments on “Morning Read: Glennon to “re-enter the Adirondack wars””

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  1. Pete Klein says:

    I thought “The Adirondack Wars” were over.
    Did anyone win?
    I am so bored with the Adirondack Wars.

  2. ADK99% says:

    It would be nice if those on the left and on the right who are still stuck in the 1970’s would get the message that the rest of us have moved on.

  3. Steve says:

    I wonder what Bob thinks of the ACR proposal? If he remains even a shadow of his former self I’m sure we will be hearing from him in no uncertain terms. Let the jousting begin.

  4. scratchy says:

    I concur with the comment about “war.” The fact that people refer to policy disagreements as a “war” is a sign of what’s wrong with this country.

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