The last word about mountain lions in the Adirondacks

Normally, we frown on all references to Adolph Hitler on the In Box, being respecters of Godwin’s law.  But this send-up of the mountain lion debate in the Adirondacks was too priceless to let slip by.

Click here to watch the video. (The Youtube video is restricted, so I can’t embed it here…)

The “Anyone who is Canadian should leave the room now.” line just about did me in.

A bit of context is in order.  First, there is a raging debate in the Adirondacks over the presence (or absence) of a mountain lion population.

Secondly, this clip from a German war movie is often used on Youtube, with cleverly altered subtitling to treat various topics.  Never to better effect, I think…

5 Comments on “The last word about mountain lions in the Adirondacks”

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  1. Peter Hahn says:

    Just saw that film (the German one) a month ago. Great performance.

  2. Pete Klein says:

    Great acting and very funny video but then, oh well, Hitler was always wide open for making over the top jokes about.

  3. knuckleheadedliberal says:

    I wasted a whole semester in college taking a course on Weimar Germany and the rise of Hitler. It is totally useless knowledge and I can never talk about what I learned because any time you start to reference Hitler or the Nazis people dismiss whatever you have to say.

    I got an A in the class but I still want my money back.

  4. tootightmike says:

    I have a nephew who works for the Fish and Game Commission in Ohio. The mere mention of the mountain lion sets him off…..There is no greater anger than that of someone giving the party line….

  5. erb says:

    “The only thing left was the bear canister.” :D

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