Worst. Winter. Ever?

I went to bed last night to a glorious snowfall, the first in Saranac Lake that sort of had “true winter” written all over it.  When the alarm went off at 5 am this morning, I heard something weird.  A pattering sound?  What the heck is that?

Yup, rain.  And it’s been drizzling ever since.  I ran into Paul Maroun, mayor of Tupper Lake, this morning.  He just shook his head.  The folks who run the Big Tupper ski mountain are just disgusted.

Same with the folks at Pisgah.  And my own season pass to the Cascade Ski Center hasn’t been used once.

So what do you think?  Worst winter ever?  A sign of things to come?

9 Comments on “Worst. Winter. Ever?”

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  1. If Clapton is God, Warren Haynes is Jesus says:

    Have faith, Brian, winter is coming…..At least that’s what I’m telling myself in order to lift my spirits. I suppose the bright side is we’re spending less to heat our homes this season, less tax dollars to keep the roads clear, etc.

  2. Pete Klein says:

    No such thing as worst anything. I always hope for a winter with lots of cold but just enough snow to make things look nice.

  3. Paul says:

    There was a winter in the late eighties where it seemed like we had less snow. But it was cold.

    Weren’t there some very mild winters in the 1950’s in the Adirondacks?

    Thinks of it as an extended January thaw!

    After this past spring and fall we could probably use a dry winter to keep things from getting insane this spring.

  4. Will Doolittle says:

    I think we’re on track for the “worst-ever” title but only if it plunges to below zero for a week or two before winter is over, but never snows more than an inch a time, except for one storm in late March, when 4 feet falls.

  5. knuckleheadedliberal says:

    Who says it’s winter?

  6. Keith Silliman says:

    A few years ago, our lake did not freeze until January 7th. We got plenty of snow in February and March.

    There is still hope for this year.


  7. tootightmike says:

    Nope, the old days are over and whatever you remember about winter is gone…unless you grew up in the mid-west. When I was a young man, we endured weather in Ohio that was endlessly gray, cold enough to snow between rains, and ten pounds of mud clinging to your boots all winter long. Thirty years ago, I moved to northern NY. to get away from nasty weather, and to live in a place that was truly cold sometimes.
    Global warming sucks…next year…rattlesnakes.

  8. Mervel says:

    In my mind there is nothing worse than 38 and rain/sleet.

    10 below is better.

  9. Paul says:

    The skiing will be good tomorrow. Lighten up!

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