Rideau Canal Skateway opens today

Outdoor fun for everyone! (photo by Lucy Martin, Jan. 2011)

Well, it’s not open as I type this, but by 10 am Sunday a small portion of the famous and much-loved canal skateway will be open for public skating. Here is the official word on that from the National Capital Commission’s web site for ice conditions:

Last Updated: January 15, 2012 08:30

Notes: The Rideau Canal Skateway is presently closed. We are pleased to announce that a 2.4 km section of the Rideau Canal Skateway will be open at 10 am, from the Bank Street Bridge to the Pretoria Bridge. Please note that Patterson Creek will remain closed. The open section of the skateway was flooded last night. Pedestrians and skaters are asked not to venture onto the closed sections of the Skateway where ice is considered unsafe. The NCC is working towards opening other sections of the world’s largest skating rink as soon as ice conditions are safe and weather permits.

(Small correction: an updated NCC press release email says the length open today will be 2.2 km, not 2.4. For those of you who are counting!)

By the way, the NCC changed their web design from what you may be used to seeing from previous years. On first visit (some weeks ago) I wondered if I’d gone to the wrong site! I’m still getting used to the new look and how to find things on it. What do you think?

Does it work for you?

Oh, and happy skating, skiing, etc., where ever you find it!

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