Times-Union: No redistricting lines today

The biggest unwritten story in New York state right now is the district lines that a legislative task force has been drawing up — a new political roadmap that could shake up North Country politics.

Now Jimmy Vielkind at the Times-Union is saying we won’t see their draft until tomorrow.  (Some folks say lines may still come this afternoon.)

Redistricting could shake up Assembly, state Senate and Congressional districts.  Currently, the big news is speculation that Republicans in the state Senate might try to hold onto power by creating a new Senate seat in the Albany region.

So…more to come.

1 Comment on “Times-Union: No redistricting lines today”

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  1. Pete Klein says:

    I’m sure this is a big deal for the politicians but after all is said and done, someone runs and we get to vote for the lesser of two evils and often aren’t even given that chance since far too often there is no opposition.

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