Rideau Canal Skateway scheduled to open on Friday, Jan 18

2.2 Km of Skateway opens Fri morning. Longer sections of the canal will be added as conditions permit. (photo by L. Martin)

Hey, skate fans! The National Capital Commission just emailed a press release stating a 2.2 kilometer section of the Rideau Canal Skateway will open Friday, January 18th at 7 am. (From Bank Street Bridge to Pretoria Bridge.)

An official opening event for this 43rd season will take place Friday at 10:30 am in front of the Canal Ritz Restaurant (near Queen Elizabeth Driveway and Fifth Avenue).

Skating the canal is weather dependent so it’s always wise to check on current conditions at the NCC website.

Happy skating Ottawa!

And hopefully to you as well, where ever you enjoy your ice and snow.

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