NYS Sen. John Sampson arrested on corruption charges

Sen. John Sampson greeting constituents at an open house. Photo via nysenate.gov

So the news has just come down that yet another New York state politician has been taken into custody. The New York Daily News reports the Brooklyn Democrat and one-time senate minority leader was arrested for “taking illegal campaign donations in an ill-fated run for district attorney,” and also with “taking an illegal loan from a Queens businessman to repay money prosecutors say he embezzled from an escrow account he controlled as a lawyer.”

He’s set to face a federal judge later today, and will be charged with obstruction of justice, the Albany Times-Union reports.

Here’s the Albany Times-Union’s Capital Confidential post earlier today on Sampson’s case.

2 Comments on “NYS Sen. John Sampson arrested on corruption charges”

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  1. In one of those sainted bipartisan efforts, an Assembly committee recently voted down an bill that would’ve stripped convicted legislators of their pensions. With NYS lawmakers being convicted left and right, I guess we can understand why.

  2. newt says:

    Nice to see downstate legislators doing more than their share support the upstate economy by personally ensuring that the supply of convicted felons keeps our prisons open for many years.

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