Canton, Potsdam schools to get $25,000 from NYS for merger study


Hugh C. Williams Senior High School, Canton Central School District. NCPR File Photo

Hugh C. Williams Senior High School, Canton Central School District. Photo: Lizette Haenel

We’ve reported in the past on the Canton Central and Potsdam Central School Districts considering a merger. Now the state will fund a joint merger study to the tune of $25,000, a press release from State Sen. Patty Ritchie says. Here’s the text of that press release.


Funding Will Help Canton, Potsdam Explore Options for Increased Efficiency


State Senator Patty Ritchie has announced she has secured $25,000 in special funding to help the Canton Central School district cover the cost of a joint merger study with the Potsdam Central School District.

“It’s so critical that students here in the North Country are provided the best educational opportunities possible,” said Senator Ritchie.  “That’s why I’ve been working hard to secure increased funding and create a more equitable financial aid formula that benefits our local schools that are looking to be creative in finding ways to stretch every dollar.”

The $25,000 in special funding represents Senator Ritchie’s most recent effort on behalf of the Canton Central School District.  Last year, Canton received a total of $125,000 in unrestricted funding on top of the $1.752 million in additional school aid Senator Ritchie helped secure for the district over the past two years.

This year, the State Legislature increased its commitment to New York’s public schools with schools in Oswego, Jefferson and St. Lawrence County receiving an increase of more than $25 million in aid—more than $7 million than originally proposed by the Governor.

More on this as it develops!



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