Neither snow nor sleet keep Canton mail from being delivered

Snowy postman. Photo: Sean Dreilinger, Creative Commons, some rights reserved

Snowy postman. Photo: Sean Dreilinger, Creative Commons, some rights reserved

Hi! Interesting note about the ongoing effects of this week’s terrible weather is that, at least for today, our mail is going super local here in Canton.

After a note came into the St. Lawrence University email list saying there wouldn’t be USPS mail coming into Canton today, I placed a quick call and learned the following about our local mail delivery: Because of highway closures downstate, new mail’s not making it up from distribution centers in Syracuse and Rochester. However, the mail that’s come from more local addresses is being sorted and delivered. So if you live in Canton, you’ll see your mail carrier but he or she won’t be carrying anything from too far south of us.

Now you know.


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