This is pretty good too…

We reported this morning that Bill Demong — besides winning America’s first gold medal in an Olympic Nordic ski event — also proposed to his girlfriend yesterday in Whistler. The Albany Times Union has some touching details, attributed to

The U.S. Ski Team House in Whistler, BC was packed tonight as friends and family gathered to celebrate Billy Demong’s Nordic Combined gold medal and U.S. Teammate Johnny Spillane’s silver.

When Demong took the mic many expected him to thank his loved ones for their support in helping make his Olympic dreams come true. Demong’s gold is the first ever Nordic Olympic gold medal won for the USA.

Instead, Demong called his girlfriend Katie to the stage, and as he got down on one knee, onlookers screamed. The cheering was so loud in fact that Demong’s proposal was barely audible.

Demong had been waiting for the right moment to propose for nearly three months, and kept the ring under his bed. Today, before the race, he carried the diamond to the start in a bag with his race gear, and figured there was no better time to propose.



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