Morning Read: New ferry for Lake Champlain

The Burlington Free-Press reports this morning that the Lake Champlain Transportation company is adding a new vessel to its fleet.  The news comes as local residents in the New York town of Essex are raising concerns about this winter’s level of service.

Lake Champlain Transportation is adding to its fleet of ferries that carry passengers and cars across the lake, while Essex, N.Y., residents continue to worry about winter interruptions in ferry service between their town and Charlotte.

The ferry company has acquired a 216-vehicle and passenger ferry named the Raymond C. Pecor Jr. The ferry is named for the man who bought the ferry company in 1976 and ran it until about 2004. Pecor’s son, Trey, now heads the company.

There will be a meeting tonight in the Essex NY fire hall at 5:30 pm to talk about LCT’s announcement that ferry service will once again be suspended this winter if/when the lake ices up.

We’ll have a full report tomorrow morning during the 8 O’clock hour.

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