If you ask (they might come)

In the wake of Irene’s massive impact, it seems heartless to natter on about comparatively frivolous events. But one of the things a disaster like this brings to the forefront is how much we value small-town life and the sense of connection found there.

In that respect, here’s a nod to the region’s upcoming fair season, where community spirit is front and center.

Now bear with me, for a detour of sorts. A small town in Ontario has landed a surprising musical act to headline the 156th Spencerville Fair Saturday, Sept 10th: Kevin Costner & Modern West. (Ottawa-based Silver Creek will be the opening act.)

Costner, of course, is best known as an award-winning actor and director. But, as described in this EMC article, Costner loves music and performing too. He’s been cutting records and touring with his country/rock group since 2007. The article says the band’s stops have included places like Germany, Denmark, Brazil and the Grand Ole Opery.

Some might ask “why Spencerville?” Kevin Costner says, “why not?”

The band’s web site has a blog with a sample from their soon-to-be-released third album “From Where I Stand”, including a sample track “Indian Summer”. (I gave it a listen and it’s not bad.)

Congratulations to Spencerville for landing a big-name draw for their concert line up – but that’s enough free advertising.

The connect-the-dots part I am thinking about is: efforts for Irene relief.

There’s no shortage of local musical talent in Northern New York, Vermont and Quebec (to name regions in NCPR’s listening area that suffered storm damage). And there are a lot of famous names who know and love those places too.

I’m not sure what Spencerville Fair organizers did to attract Costner, but it almost seems like they just asked. (Sure, it helped that he was in the area already, but plenty of ‘name acts’ are within easy-detour range of the hardest-hit areas.)

So think big, all you storm-struck towns. Field of dreams big. While cleaning up now, when things reach the point where a few concerts are in order – when visualizing other ways to help – don’t be shy about asking around. The response might be surprising.

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