APA live broadcast of Big Tupper hearing begins at 1:30pm

The Adirondack Park Agency hearing room could be packed this afternoon for the Adirondack Club and Resort hearing — APA officials asked people to reserve seats in advance by yesterday.

But if you can’t be there in person, you can catch the video stream live, beginning at 1:30 pm, by clicking on this link.

A final vote won’t come today, but APA commissioners will be tackling a number of thorny and interesting last-minute issues, including a request by the green group Adirondack Wild that a decision be delayed pending more hearings.

APA officials will also give one more presentation on the project’s possible financial impacts and benefits in Tupper Lake.  That should be fascinating, as money issues have really been the focus of much of the debate the last six months.

I’ll be there this afternoon, so check back this evening for an In Box update this evening.  And we’ll have full radio coverage tomorrow during the 8 O’clock Hour.

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