Cuomo team says no deep cuts to DEC budget

I just took a call from Morris Peters in New York’s Division of the Budget, who says it is inaccurate to describe the spending plan unveiled yesterday as containing “deep cuts” for the Department of Environmental Conservation.

Peters acknowledged that the spending plan includes a reduction of $167 million in Federal funds, as NCPR reported in the In Box.  But he says most of that money was devoted to wastewater treatment projects.

And he points out that New York and the Army Corps of Engineers plan to spend a total of $204 million in the year ahead on similar wastewater projects.  (Those spending items are in other parts of the budget.)

According to Peters, there will be no significant lay-offs or program reductions at DEC, following a couple of years of big hits to staff levels.

NCPR tried repeatedly yesterday to reach Department of Environmental Conservation officials, to talk about the budget and the impact of this spending plan, and to clarify these questions.  DEC officials declined to be interviewed.

Peters says it’s long-standing policy for Budget officials to handle those queries when the spending plan is released.

6 Comments on “Cuomo team says no deep cuts to DEC budget”

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  1. Paul says:

    “Peters says it’s long-standing policy for Budget officials to handle those queries when the spending plan is released.”

    For lack of a better word this is a “dumb” policy.

  2. Bob Cat says:

    “NCPR tried repeatedly yesterday to reach Department of Environmental Conservation officials, to talk about the budget and the impact of this spending plan, and to clarify these questions. DEC officials declined to be interviewed.”

    I am a fan of our local DEC “people”, friends with several, but is there a more secrative agency? (other than the CIA) From their cops, rangers wildlife staff, etc….whats with the paranoia in this agency?

  3. Zeke says:

    The mentality has long been if you are not one of us then you are one of them.

  4. knuckleheadedliberal says:

    “DEC officials declined to be interviewed.”

    Will Doolittle wrote about this recently.

  5. Keith Silliman says:

    Thanks for this clarification.

  6. Two Cents says:

    DEC region five is terrible.
    Having a Stewardship Program with them since the 98 ice storm, not one Ranger has followed up with the plan despite numerous requests.
    Lay em off and hire people more enthusiastic about their work.

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