Ice Sailing!

Andy Sajor ice sailing on Lake Champlain

Today’s story about ice sailing was literally some of the most radio fun I’ve ever had. I met great characters, got to try an amazing sport, and zoomed across Lake Champlain at 48 miles an hour! But it wasn’t the easiest thing in the world to record. Big props to Andy Sajor, who’s taken his own recording gear out on the ice and had some good ideas about how to ensure good sound quality.

We tried a couple different mic positions — tucking it into the neck of our respective jackets or shielding it between my knees. Andy has a waterproof box for his camera, which managed to capture this video. For me, the angle’s a little unflattering–but you’ll get a good idea of what it was like to record ice sailing, and what it was like to be in the boat!

1 Comment on “Ice Sailing!”

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  1. Lucy Martin says:

    Very cool, thanks to you and your hosts for sharing all that!

    I was wondering how you managed to record the adventure, between the wind, the cold and the awkwardness of it all.

    Great story, made me able to imagine being there and wish that I really was!

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