Canada to upgrade Thousand Islands Bridge crossing
As reported last week, the Canadian Federal Government announced infrastructure improvements for a main land-boarder crossing between New York State and Quebec, at Champlain – St. Bernard de Lacolle.

Thousand Islands border crossing. Photo: Friscocali, CC some rights reserved
This Tuesday, it was announced that “up to” $60 million would be spent to improve the Canadian border crossing at the Thousand Islands bridge, which links the U.S.’s Interstate 81 with Canada’s 401. As reported by the Ottawa Citizen:
The money, some of which will go to building a new inspection centre, is a response to priorities set by Canada and the United States in 2011 in a joint border action plan. Other reconstructions will include increasing the number of inspection lanes from eight to 13 — with two dedicated for commercial traffic — expanding the travellers’ facility and other examination services and improving roads.
Planning will begin this year with construction expected to start in 2015 and finishing two years later.
Returning to Quebec, for those who may want to track it, here is information on how the public can comment on a proposed new bridge across the St. Lawrence near Montreal. This would connect Highway 15 with Highway 10, for travelers already on the Quebec side of the border.
It will span the St. Lawrence River to connect the Island of Montreal to the South Shore. This is the busiest crossing in Canada for cars, trucks and buses, and is vital to the regional and national economies.
“Open houses on the environmental assessment” for that project are scheduled for April at these locations.
Tags: boarder crossings, canada, Champlain - Lacolle crossing, Thousand Islands Bridge, transportation